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Say no to uncivilized behavior_对不文明行为说不英语作文200字

时间:2021-03-14来源:悦读文网 作者:允肆浮沉 点击:

Today I watched a thought-provoking social video: a man called "Joke" interviewed on the street. Every time he asked a question, he deliberately punched the interviewee in the face with a microphone. Everyone had to keep running away. They were helpless, but no one asked the question. At first I think this is a funny video, could not help but laugh, but I slowly realized that Joke's behavior is not polite, but no one is more terrible to say "no" to this kind of bad behavior! Everyone ignored this important question, then each of us thought: many impolite things in life happen to us, the others insult us, for example, to jump the queue, we are choosing tolerance or brave to refuse? But now that we are aware of these problems, why should we pretend not to happen? This will only make some rude people more rude! We should be brave enough to say "no"!
