Christmas Day is on December 25th, though it originated in the western country, now it is popular around the world. In China, people will spend that day happily, they will eat apples on Christmas Eve, the children will put the socks so that...
We all came to this world alone. Facing the uncertain future, we need not only the guidance of parents and teachers, but also the friends who can support each other and move forward. However, can everyone become our real good friends? If yo...
Many years ago, there were so many population in China, in order to control the fast increasing number of the population, the government carried out the family plan, every family was admitted to have one child. Now the policy has changed, p...
年少的我们并不讨厌学习,只是不喜欢束缚,向往自由本就是少年郎的本性。 在成长的路途中,我们只是一只可爱的小绵羊,在家人们的呵护下缓缓成长,可是这途中是要遇见狼的。...
“前行吧,时光总会对得起努力的人。”这是一句我认为极其有意义和特别的一句话,同时也代表了我的人生前进方向。 初中的时候,本该处于积极向上丶奋力拼搏的我却选择了玩乐,...
许多人对于小说有很大的误解,认为小说能够让学生们的思想跑偏不认真学习,事实上,小说的种类和意义是十分多样化的。 从文学的意义上来讲,小说是以刻画人物形象为中心,通过...
年少的时候经常喜欢做一些事情,现在想来都是充满乐趣的——只是很少有机会再去去享受了。 最早的时候,智能手机还未问世,那时候的电脑和玩具是年少时光中最具吸引力的事物。...
在一次无意间的浏览中,我看到了一条令自己十分心酸的事件——大学生跳水救人。 按说这样的事情应该并不令人感到心酸反而应该是骄傲的,可遗憾的就是人救上来了,可是救人的那...
阴暗的天气令人的心情实在无法高兴起来,雾蒙蒙的还刮着小风,这倒是让冬季的严寒更加刺骨了一些。 在导航的指引下,我和同学们来到了这家医院。 原本对于我们这帮青春活泼的...